G2 Goldfields Inc. intends to undertake a reorganization transaction whereby it would, among other things, spin-out its non-core assets into a new wholly owned subsidiary named G3 Goldfields Inc. For more information, please refer to press releases dated November 29, 2024, December 12, 2024, January 5, 2025 and January 28, 2025.
Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Oko Main Zone (OMZ):
Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Ghanie Zone:
Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Oko Northwest Zone (Oko NW):
The Oko project is located in the southeastern portion of the Cuyuni Mining District, approximately 120 km west-southwest of Guyana’s capital city, Georgetown, 60 km west of the town of Bartica, and directly north of G Mining’s Oko West Gold Project. The project is accessed by a combination of boat and truck, using rivers and logging roads, from the town of Bartica and the Itaballi crossing on the Mazaruni River.
With three discoveries to date, the project has +20 km of prospective strike length. Several multi-kilometer-long zones of gold mineralization have been delineated by soil sampling and mapping of historical and current artisanal mining operations. Despite a long history of production, the Oko property had never been previously drilled or subjected to a modern exploration program.
To date, G2 Goldfields has drilled 587 diamond drill holes totalling 152,817 meters. The project is currently under multiple option agreements with local Guyanese mid-scale miners that entitle G2 Goldfields to conduct exploration activities and acquire a 100% interest in the project.
The Oko project area is located in the Cuyuni greenstone belt, which is part of the Baram-Mazaruni Supergroup (2,200-2,100 Ma) and the highly underexplored Guiana Shield. The property is host to high grade orogenic gold mineralization within the Cuyuni Basin Sediments and the underlying Barama volcanics. To date, mineralization is found within fold hinges, parallel shear zones, and breccias along lithological contacts within a sequence of metamorphosed carbonaceous sediments and volcanics.
Latest Discovery [Press Release]
NW OKO is centred approximately 3 km from the OMZ area. Significantly, multiple diamond drill holes have intersected disseminated gold mineralization over considerable widths within the 70m thick saprolitic horizon.
In late 2023, G2 completed a 24-hole, 2,329-meter scout drilling program at NW OKO. Significant disseminated gold mineralization was encountered in holes NWOD 2, 9, and 10, which returned mineralized intercepts of 47.5m @ 0.6 g/t Au, 41.5m @ 0.75 g/t Au, and 9m @ 2.1 g/t Au, respectively. Additionally, comparatively higher grade, yet still near-surface mineralization, was intercepted in holes NWOD 1 & 22, which returned 10.3m @ 3.7 g/t Au and 15m @ 6.3 g/t Au, respectively. The NW Oko trend is a 3 km long zone of artisanal workings and anomalous gold in soils, that intersects the Oko Main Zone at its northern extent.
The NW OKO shear structures are hosted on the boundaries of ductile carbonaceous mudstones and more competent siltstones and sandstones. The discovery area remains open in both directions and there is potential for establishing parallel corridors of mineralization, as evidenced by anomalous soil values and/or extensive alluvial workings.
Ghanie lies between G2’s OMZ gold discovery and GMIN’s ‘Block 4’ discovery. Both projects have established the OKO Trend’s multi-million-ounce potential and Ghana is currently the subject of ongoing drilling.
See Press Release dated January 07, 2025
“These new results definitively demonstrate that, despite almost five hundred holes being completed to date, the OKO project remains very much a growth story. In 2025 we will continue to aggressively explore this emerging gold district.”
– Dan Noone, CEO
The Tracy target, located 10 km northwest of Oko Main and 3 km southeast of the Aremu Mine Area, is defined by a 2.5 km long (east-west trending) gold-in-soil anomaly (+ 100 ppb Au). In 1992, Golden Star Resources completed a trench at Tracy, which intersected 10.7 g/t Au over 15 m. G2 completed more than 6 trenches totalling 608 m located several hundred metres east of the Golden Star trenching. G2 has intersected highly encouraging results, including 4.8 g/t Au over 16 m with a high-grade section of 32.4 g/t Au over 2 m. Two initial holes were drilled beneath the trench, intercepting low-grade mineralization hosted within metamorphosed sandstones and siltstones.
The Tracy diamond drill program will commence in April 2024.
“Initial trenching at Tracy has exposed high grade gold mineralisation in deformed carbonaceous mudstones and siltstones within broader zones of hydrothermal alteration, similar to what we see at the Oko Main Zone.”
-Boaz Wade, V.P. Exploration
Between 1906 and 1911, more than 20 auriferous veins were discovered within the Aremu Mine Area which produced approximately 6,488 oz Au during this period.
High-grade gold mineralization is located mainly in the brecciated quartz-carbonate veins with hematite staining and pyrite. Low-grade gold is hosted in black graphite schist with quartz veinlets and stringers. During the historical exploration, the following gold-bearing veins were identified: the Aremu, Donicker, Herod, Hillman, Powerhouse, Shepherd, as well as the Honeybee, Lunch, Maam and Powis veins.
G2 has been trenching and collecting numerous soil samples, grab samples, and channel samples along the previously mined open-pits. G2 followed up this program with an 18-hole drill campaign totalling 2,436 m that drill tested the historic Aremu, Donicker, Scotland, Powerhouse, and Lunch veins. Significant intervals include hole ARD-03 which was drilled beneath the historic Aremu open-pit and intersected 10.7 g/t Au over 3.4 m within a broader zone of 3.6g g/t Au over 13.5 m. The high-grade gold mineralization is hosted in quartz veins within a shear zone in carbonaceous shales in a northeast plunging fold closure.
High-grade quartz floats
Major historical workings along granitic intrusion.
“Exposure of quartz boulder float and an outcropping quartz vein, host visible gold mineralization in carbonaceous sediments similar to the Oko Main area. Two grab samples on cobble-sized floats of the quartz vein returned 31.4 g/t Au and 9.4 g/t Au close to an area with extensive artisanal workings. We believe that Oko East is an early-stage target which has excellent upside potential for the discovery of additional economic mineralization in the Oko district” – Boaz Wade, V.P. Exploration