PDAC Core Shack

Drill Rig 3: Ghanie Exploration drilling: GDD-04.

  • Rig 3- GDD-04, achieved a depth of 92m. End of drill hole
  • GDD-02 was planned at 120m depth to target the current interpretation of the Ghanie Shear.

Lithological Intercepts:

  • 51m-67.15m- Continues within the undifferentiated magnetite volcanic unit weak to moderately sheared with moderate pervasive SILSERAKN + Bleaching alteration and 10% pyrite fracture/foliation controlled.
  • 67.15m-72.7m- moderately sheared aphanitic andesites unit occurring with weak SILSER alteration, no magnetism and 2% fracture controlled pyrite.
  • 72.7m-92m- Ghanie intrusive Diorite (Possible granodiorite); medium-coarse grained unit being sheared at contact with the andesite unit. No significant sulfides observed. Moderate pervasive SIL alteration with weak fracture-controlled ankerite alteration.

Interesting Intercepts/Gold Zones

  • 51m-61.5m- Moderately sheared MVOL_Mnt. with a brecciated texture occurring with strong pervasive SILSERANK bleaching + FeCarb, 10% pyrite fracture/foliation controlled and 5% late silica veins with pyrite were observed cutting foliation occurring with ×5 visible gold.

Figure 6. GDD-04. Depth:59.5m- 6cm wide grey silica + pyrite vein occurring with ×3 Vg

Figure 7. GDD-04. Depth: 60.37- 2cm wide grey silica + pyrite vein occurring with ×2 Vg.

  • 67.15m-72.7m- Moderately sheared andesite unit, with moderate SILSER alteration, no
    magnetism occurring with 2% pyrite fracture controlled and 2% late silica veins cutting
    foliation occurring with ×2 visible gold

Figure 8: Depth:69m- 5cm wide grey silica + pyrite vein cutting foliation hosting ×2 Vg.

Figure 9. Cross-section of GDD-04.

OKD-96; Shear 5: From 441.1 m to 449.5m, 8.3 m@ 14.2 g/t Au

OKD-96. Showing intercepts of Siltstone/Carbonaceous Mudstone (SLG) Siltstone (SLT); SIL SER ANK alteration intensity 4 replacement, Sulphides and SIl2 both distributed along fractures with intensity 1. Quartz Vein (ZQV); SIL2 100% replacement, laminated texture with sulphides 2% pyrite parallel to crenulated laminae, including visible gold grains VGx50+ Shear Zone (ZSH) SIL SER ANK alteration intensity 2 along foliation, SIL2 intensity 2 along foliation and sulphides (cubic) 2% foliation controlled.

OKD-110: Shear 5; From 193.7m, 6.4m @ 74.8 g/t Au

Quartz Vein from 193.74m to 199.35m.

Alteration: SIL2, intensity 4, replacing matrix along Shear Zone foliation planes.

Host Rock: Carbonaceous Mudstone. Py2, 1% along foliation Remobilized Au. VGx23.